Thursday, June 18, 2015

Is Service Really the Answer?

Helping a poor family move
in the pouring rain, but with
a bright smile, nonetheless! :)
As a full time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons!) I learned to apply the teaching, that if we are down and we help others out, then we both will leave that given situation, happier and stronger people. I experienced that time and time again. Whether I was helping drunkards walk across the street and get to a shady, out-of-the-way place, helping people who desperately wanted to learn English to get ahead in their lives or just being friendly in the beautiful streets of Honduras, waving and greeting everyone in sight. In all of these situations I served someone else and it made me a stronger, more loving person. As I served, my personal problems and afflictions seemed to get lighter and lighter and the horizon of my day seemed to get brighter and brighter.
Its a weird concept of thinking that if we help others, we are in turn and essentially helping ourselves, even more so than if we tried to help ourselves in the first place but its so sweetly true.
One cool example I thought of that might help you next time you are in a "funk" (not feeling like yourself or like everything is running all wrong).
Making tortillas with a sweet lady!
When your car dies and you don't know the reason and you don't have experience in the mechanic shop, you must look outward for help. Looking inwardly (towards yourself) won't help you very much due to your lack of knowledge and ability. In this example, only looking to the mechanic will help you out.
Christmas caroling to a group of
cheerful elderly citizens
Now, lets say that you get in another accident. But there aren't automobiles involved here, this is between you and some other factor ( sin, sadness, misfortune, people around you mistreating you, the mistreating of yourself etc.. the list goes on).
Now as a result, you are left wounded and feeling broken. So many times we listen in to the advice that the world gives us, which is to try to figure everything out yourself. According to the worldly knowledge, we don't need God, we don't need religion, we don't need love nor service nor anything of its kind. We just need time and we just need ourselves.
But just like in the example with the car, if we do not open outwardly we cannot be fixed. We cannot be fixed alone. 
And the way to open outwardly is by the giving of service and love to those around you.
Helping out on trash day in my white shirt and tie
in La Ceiba, Honduras and still smiling!

 Like I said from the beginning, "...if we help others, we are in turn and essentially helping ourselves, even more so than if we tried to help ourselves in the first place."
When we help others we realize that we are not alone in trial and affliction and it seems as if our burdens just float off of our shoulders.

I know through personal trial that all that I  have written is true. There were days when I was thousands of miles from home, in the scorching heat, on the dangerous, dusty streets of the murder capitol of the world, San Pedro Sula, Honduras, where I found myself at the edge of breaking down, packing up and coming back home. But one thing kept me there. And it was service and how it impacted my being.
Here is one verse from the Book of Mormon that gives us reassurance as to more reason why we should administer service to those around us.

It is found in the 17th verse of the 2nd chapter of Mosiah (Mosiah 2:17) (page 148).

"...when  ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in service of your God."

Service can make you happy!
Even in the pouring rain!
Sum of the blog entry...
If you are in a "funk" or a state of mind or feeling that you do not want to be in, then forget yourself and serve others. Your burdens will be made light and God will be proud of (you!) his son or daughter who seeks to serve his other children while serving him at the same time.

Read it, enjoy it, apply it!
Riley Royer..

1 comment:

  1. What a great thought Riley! Happy to see you get back to the blogosphere!
